Are you ready for the new EU packaging regulation (PPWR)?

The new EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is expected to be adopted by the end of 2024. It encompasses a set of binding rules and obligations with regard to packaging. As PPWR comes into effect, companies will be obliged to keep a much more detailed packaging administration to prove their compliance. That could get complicated. Are you ready for PPWR?
The proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, or PPWR, covers all packaging regardless of the materials of which it is made, and all packaging waste. The EU states that 40% of plastics and 50% of paper used in the EU are destined for packaging and that packaging accounts for 36% of municipal solid waste, making it an important cause for environmental concern.
As previous regulations have led to different interpretations by European member states, the EU decided to replace them with a binding regulation. This creates unambiguity and equality across member states and creates proportionate competitive pressure.
This new, mandatory regulation should lead to less packaging, less 'over-packaging' and therefore less waste. By 2030, all packaging must be recyclable or reusable.
Although the exact content of the PPWR will be substantively addressed and negotiated in the coming months, it is already clear that a lot will change.
First of all, the regulation will require companies to minimize packaging waste by limiting the amount of packaging used (in size and weight), by not packaging what does not need to be packed and by reusing more packaging.
In addition, companies will be instructed to use more recycled raw materials for the production of packaging. Any new packaging will have to be registered and documented.
Because of the PPWR, companies will have to deal with more administrative rules regarding product packaging. A distinction is made between primary packaging (sales packaging), secondary packaging (grouped packaging) and tertiary packaging (transport packaging).
In addition to regulations on the raw materials that may be used, companies will be expected to keep their own packaging records in order to prove that they comply with regulations.
Developing and implementing such systems takes time. If you're smart, you start doing that right now, to make sure you’re ready once the regulation takes effect.
Implementation of a proper packaging registration system takes time. Don’t delay it if want to be able to seamlessly comply with the PPWR.
Even now, it can be complicated to properly record reusable transport packaging. This won’t get any easier with the new EU packaging regulation, which prescribes extended information for each packaging item.
PackControl packaging registration software is developed so you can accurately register and automate the use of all reusable transport packaging. You can import all pooling packaging as well as your own reusable items, along with any documentation and even RFID tag registration.
By using PackControl you’ll always know the exact locations of packaging items. You can automate any special agreements and cost or deposit settlement. Thus you can ensure the most efficient use of packaging, so you’ll never purchase or rent more pallets, crates, carts, trolleys and dollies than strictly necessary. You’ll be well prepared for the future and will directly contribute to a circular economy even before the PPWR takes effect.
As mentioned, the PPWR will be negotiated within the EU in the coming months and some changes to the original proposal are expected. Nevertheless, the regulation is due to be adopted by the end of 2024 and to take effect by the end of 2025. You shouldn’t delay implementation of a proper packaging registration system.
At PackControl we'll keep a close eye on developments, so we can make adjustments to our packaging registration software where relevant and necessary.
PackControl packaging registration software is easy to implement. It can be linked to your existing ERP, CRM and WMS and can automatically import balance overviews of pooling operators and e.g. flower auctions. It can automatically and correctly calculate costs and deposits, even if these depend on specific counterparty agreements.
Using PackControl will professionalize your packaging management. You can monitor and control values, rotation speeds, numbers, or a combination thereof. That not only benefits the environment, but your company’s bottom line too. Find out which of our software packages for reusable packaging registration best suits your situation.