Efficient packaging registration is for everyone | PackControl

You know how it goes: reusable packaging gets dumped in a forgotten corner, containers from different suppliers get mixed up and returns never seem to be complete. As a wholesaler or manufacturer you lose too many packaging items, planning is difficult and packaging costs keep going up. PackControl has the solution that even works if you’re dealing with small(er) customers.
"I’m sure it’s environmentally friendly", a good friend sighs over coffee, "but all those reusable pallets and containers cause such a mess in my warehouse".
It is a well-known issue for many companies: (raw) materials, parts, semi-finished or finished products arrive in crates and on pallets that have to be – but often aren’t – returned to their suppliers. It causes a hassle, for the recipient as well as the supplier.
"They’re everywhere", says the friend, who runs an installation company. "I could make better use of that space. But my company is simply too small to keep a comprehensive packaging registration, so we just wait until the wholesalers want them back. Meanwhile, RTIs are just standing around gathering dust".
Proper reusable packaging management lets you quickly reuse all those items that are currently gathering dust somewhere.
For wholesalers and other suppliers, reusable packaging presents a growing problem. The more crates, containers and pallets are ‘gathering dust’ somewhere, the higher your costs. You have to buy more items and these again are difficult to track.
By ensuring that every packaging item is returned as quickly as possible, preferably by return freight with the next delivery, you’ll be able to reduce reusable packaging costs and you’ll eliminate the irritation about 'clutter' from your customers. Customers may be too small for their own comprehensive packaging registration system, but as a supplier you can help them through your own administration, through which customers can quickly see which items need to be returned.
Packaging registration software offers such possibilities and more. Customers can easily notify you about items ready for return, so you can better plan transportation and use. Items are returned more quickly and as a result you don’t have to rent or buy extra items. Damages or missing items can be reported upon receipt, so claims are handled faster, and deposits can be easily calculated.
Such a system will bring you more than simple cost savings on the numbers of containers, trolleys and pallets you keep in stock. It saves processing time, prevents (human) error and it will make your customers happy. The latter is important, as, besides your product quality, many customers prefer convenience and ‘less clutter’ in their warehouse next time they place an order.
Are too many packaging items ‘gathering dust’ with your customers? And do you struggle to get them returned time and time again? A comprehensive and efficient packaging registration system will make the difference. You’ll be able to reduce packaging costs and make life easier for your customers.
Would you like to find out if PackControl is the right choice for you? Browse through our website or contact us now for a free demo.